- Feature request for linking into scans to find the status of the scan. Maybe a report of what file it’s on in “info –s”, with an option to watch it like a “tail –f” to get an idea of where it is scanning and at what rate. Reporting the file count would also be a good statistic to report with this information.
- Administrators are unaware that “-n” for scan_id is expecting a string. Here is the “list” output:
# sav scheduledscan –list
S.No Type Enabled When Last Scan Name
1 Admin Scan Yes Weekly - Sat at 00:30 Sat Jan 16 00:30:04 2016 Scheduled ScanThe first assumption I’d make with a “-n” argument is it would be a number, so “S.No” seems intuitive to me. The next problem is there is no correlation explaining what a “scan_id” is in the manual or in the manual page on the system – this is a huge oversight. In addition, what is referred to as a “scan_id” has a label “Name” – it would make much more sense to label the field as “Scan_ID” for the correlation – in addition, the manual and manual page should mention “scan_id” is a string.
Suggestion for endpoint protection for linux