The current plug-in -- version 2.5 which works up to and including Release 8 -- is only for local server-based installations of Kaseya. Many people have the cloud-based version and there is no Symantec plug-in for this.
This is more important than you might think. Our company's users rarely connect to VPN (some never do) and are scattered across the U.S. operating mainly out of their homes. As a result, SEP has no idea 1) whether DAT files are being updated, 2) what the engine version is or 3) even if the product is working at all.
The cloud version of SEP is not granular enough for us, so we have to stick with local-server version, but with no way to get SEP client info reliably, we are not protected. Kaseya VSA can help here as it requires no VPN connection, but there is no plug-in or tool offered by Symantec (or Kaseya) to help us survey SEP clients.
Please either remove the requirement for VPN for SEP clients checking in to the SEP server, or help us out with a Kaseya VSA (cloud) version of the Symantec plug-in.
Alexander Bryant