The unmanaged detectors COULD be a useful feature. It's useful to know when a new device gets plugged in,
especially if you dont have proper port security turned on.
But it's far from a perfect system and quite frankly feels under developed.
In our situation we're attempting to use it to not only identify systems without symantec installed, but also when
a new unknown device is plugged in somewhere. It has caught 2 devices already so it can do that job.
The issue, and the feature I'm suggesting is a clean way to add exceptions. At the moment you need to select
the detector individually -> Configure unmanaged detector -> add each individual exception by IP or MAC address.
In our situation we're adding them via MAC.
What I suggest is simple. A simple pannel/web page that lists detected unmanaged hosts, either all of them in
one list, or one list per detector. Each unmanaged host will have a check box next to it, and at the bottom of the page
a simple button that says "Add as Exception". Check the systems you want to add, then click that button.
It's a simple solution and would save a lot of time when adding litterally hundreds of exceptions.