We were using SEP 14 on-premises and was satisfied with the features available. Since we have multiple locations on a cross domain environement we decided to move on with Endpoint protection Cloud and bought the license. But when started using it he feautures offered are not satisfying as in SEP 14.
The cloud has a good feature of blocking USB storages, up on enabling it started blocking our internal devices which are not storage and expected to work. I would suggest to bing in an option to enabled such devices using HW/Device ID.
I am looking for enabling below device if you can handle this in an alternative way.
Product: Clickshare
Device Instance Path: USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_BARCO&PROD_CLICKSHARE&REV_0328\7&3A56C4F0&0&01120001.12.00.00000000&0
Hardware ID: