When getting computer status info by domain from API using PowerShell I had to break this down into a 4 stage process
First I get the domains info if I first request all the domains using: $URI = $BaseURI+"/domains"
Then I use each domain.id returned and use the following API call: $URI = $BaseURI+"/groups?domain="+$DomainID
Then I use each returned group.id to form the following API call: $URI = $BaseURI+"/groups/$GroupID/computers?domain="+$DomainID
That last API call returns the computer data broken down by group in each domain
*****but *****
then I have to do a transform on the JSON data returned as it has 9 items with the same data and name but different capitalization, which would be fine if I was using Python or a case sensitive programming language as it would just ignore the duplicates.
The duplicate properties are as follows:
"osBitness" | "osbitness" |
"osFlavorNumber" | "osflavorNumber" |
"osFunction" | "osfunction" |
"osLanguage" | "oslanguage" |
"osMajor" | "osmajor" |
"osMinor" | "osminor" |
"osName" | "osname" |
"osServicePack" | "osservicePack" |
"osVersion" | "osversion" |
Once I do that I can access the data by domain in a way that PowerShell will understand it as JSON objects. (case insensitive)
Request: remove the 9 duplicate item properties with improper Camel case