I upgraded my SEPM server to 14.01, and have enrolled it into the cloud portal. I really like it! When viewing devices, I'd like the ability to...
- Have the same base-line six columns (Name, OS, Version, Device Group, Client Version & Alerts) that I have under the "Devices" Tab when I am viewing devices under a particular group.
- The ability to resize the columns. The column width for things like Version, Client Version and Alerts are way too wide - if we could adjust them, then we could potentially squeeze in additional columns - I need MORE DATA - lol
- The ability to sort & filter columns in device views would also be a huge win. If I could look at a particular device group and sort or filter that view by client version, number of alerts, Operating System, etc. would be a pretty nice thing to have.
- You already have "Export Grid" - which is pretty slick - so +5 points for Gryffindor!
I thinkt this portal is long overdue - great job!