As you know, some websites publish bad mail senders and websites addresses for IT admins. For example;
Abuse "https://zeustracker.abuse.ch/blocklist.php?download=squiddomain"
Md "http://mirror1.malwaredomains.com/files/domains.txt"
Sans "https://isc.sans.edu/feeds/suspiciousdomains_High.txt"
Sans2 "https://isc.sans.edu/feeds/suspiciousdomains_Medium.txt"
Usom "https://www.usom.gov.tr/url-list.txt"
Normally, we check that addresses every five minutes with a script and if the script find new address, it creates helpdesk incident. We add them to bad list in SMG manually. We want to automatize all steps of this proccess. So if you create a way for adding bad senders automaticlly we will reach our goal.